Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and adherence after during transition from paediatric to adults healthcare in patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH): a single center study.
A proportion of patients with AIH are diagnosed at a childhood and required transition from paediatric to adult healthcare system. It is known, that the transfer of care from paediatric to adults is a risk factor of non-compliance, thus the process of transition gain more scientific attention in last years. However, the literature data on Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in adolescents and young adults patient with AIH is limited, but could be helpful to established a good transition programme. The aim of this study is to assess HRQoL and adherence at the time of transfer of care from paediatric to adults healthcare in patients with AIH. It is expected that more than 60 patients will be included.
Study design/Methods or/PROMS:
SF-12, EQ-5D-5L, GAD-7, PHQ-9, STAI, MFIS, BMQ, SSS8, SSD-12, MLQ, VAS adherence
Target population:
AIH, diagnosed < 18 years old in paediatric center, >60 patients.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria:
Patients with AIH (according to EASL 2015) or variants AIH/PSC (according to EASL 2015) will be included.
Patients after liver transplantation or hospitalized patients will be excluded.
Study period/begin/stage:
Open for inclusions:
Contact details:
Maciej Janik (
Piotr Milkiewicz (
Medical University of Warsaw, Poland