University Hospital Dubrava

Contact Information for physicians and patients
Department of gastroenterology, hepatology and clinical nutrition
University hospital Dubrava
University of Zagreb School of medicine
Av. G. Suska 6, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia
Tel. +385 1 290 2554
Fax. +385 1 290 2550
e-mail: gastro(at), tbozin(at)
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
- Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
- Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
- Liver cysts/cystic tumours
- Portal vein thrombosis (PVT)
- Porto-sinusoidal vascular disease (PSVD)
ERN Representatives
Assoc. Prof. Ivica Grgurevic, MD PhD, FEBGH, FRCP
Consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist
Department of gastroenterology, hepatology and clinical nutrition
Head, Division of hepatology
ERN Team and Contact
- Assoc. Prof. Ivica Grgurevic, MD PhD, FEBGH, FRCP, ivica.grgurevic(at)
- Tonci Bozin, MD PhD, tbozin(at), consultant in gastroenterology and hepatology
- Frane Pastrovic, MD, fpastrovic(at), fellow in gastroenterology and hepatology
- Anita Madir MD, anita.madir(at), research associate
Centre information
University hospital Dubrava is located in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, with catchment area of approximately 350.000 inhabitants. Department of gastroenterology, hepatology and clinical nutrition is one of the most recognized gastroenterology departments in Croatia providing multidisciplinary care for many GI and liver conditions, and thus many patients from across Croatia and neighbouring countries are referred for specific diagnostic procedures and therapy. Division of hepatology has been established as the integrative part of the Department from 2011th. Division of hepatology has young and enthusiastic personnel who attended education in several European centres of excellence in hepatology such as Royal Free Hospital in London and MHH in Hannover. We have strong collaboration with colleagues from other hepatology centres in Croatia, surrounding countries and wider European region. This collaboration is visible through common scientific projects and publications, as well as regular educational meetings such as Adriatic Liver Forum ( ) and Central European Hepatologic Collaboration ( In collaboration with two other Croatian centres we have published the first preliminary data on the epidemiological features of PBC in Croatia, we took part in the collaborative scientific projects on prognostic features of PBC with colleagues from Slovakia. We have treated a significant number of patients with portal vein thrombosis both acute and chronic, including those with portal cavernoma and consequent biliopathy. In collaboration with other centres in Croatia we are collecting data on PBC, PSC, AIH, PVT, PSVD and liver cysts/cystic tumours to get better insights into epidemiological features, clinical presentation, treatment practice and outcomes of these rare liver diseases in Croatia, with the final aim of harmonizing the diagnostic and treatment approach to these conditions.