Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
Contact Information for physicians and patients
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
We have broad expertise in rare liver disease with a particular focus on
- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency (A1ATD).
We offer a state-of-the-art non-invasive evaluation of liver including emerging technologies such as MR-elastography and care for all stages of liver disease ranging from preventive care, intensive care medicine to liver transplantation.
ERN Representatives
Tony Bruns
leading physician
RWTH University Hospital Aachen
Pavel Strnad
leading physician
RWTH University Hospital Aachen
ERN Team and Contact
Prof. Dr. Pavel Strnad, Leading Physician, Department of Internal Medicine III, pstrnad@ukaachen.de
Prof. Dr. Tony Bruns, Consultant Hepatologist, Department of Medicine III, tbruns@ukaachen.de
Centre information
RWTH Aachen University is one of the most renowned universities in Germany. Since 2007, it is declared as an ‘elite university’ by a federal government initiative. The University Hospital of RWTH Aachen University is one of the largest hospitals in Europe and offers supramaximal care.
In 2014, our hospital launched a Center for Rare Diseases and visceral medicine, including a liver transplantation program, which is one of its main focusses. Due to a close cooperation between experienced hepatologists/gastroenterologists, anesthesiologists, hepatobiliary surgeons and radiologists we can ensure high quality safe and effective care for patients with rare liver diseases before, during and after liver transplantation in the day care as well as the standard care and the intensive care sectors.
Among the rare liver diseases, we are particularly interested in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). AATD is one of the most common, potentially lethal inherited disorders and affects primarily lung and liver. We are coordinating the research and care for individuals with AATD-related liver disease and launched an Europe-wide registry for this disorder. Since no approved treatment for AATD-related liver disease exists, we are also closely cooperating with pharmaceutical companies to implement innovative treatment options.