Spedali Civili di Brescia

Contact Information for physicians and patients
Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale (ASST) degli Spedali Civili di Brescia
Piazzale Spedali Civili, 1 25123 ( Brescia, Italy ) Tel: +39 030 39951
e-mail: protocollo.spedalicivilibrescia@legalmail.it
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
- Biliary atresia
- Congenital Choledochal Malformations
- Non-cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis/extrahepatic portal vein obstruction
- Congenital porto-systemic shunt (CPSS)
ERN Representatives
Full Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Head of Pediatric Surgery Department
Pediatric Surgeon Consultant
ERN Team and Contact
- Daniele Alberti, MD, Pediatric Surgery Department – daniele.alberti(at)unibs.it
- Luisa Bercich, MD, Pathology Department – luisa.bercich(at)asst-spedalicivili.it
- Maria Pia Bondioni, MD, Pediatric Radiology Unit – mariapiabondioni(at)gmail.com
- Giovanni Boroni, MD, Pediatric Surgery Department – giovanni.boroni(at)unibs.it
- Maurizio Giuseppe Fuoti, MD, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit – maurizio.fuoti(at)asst-spedalicivili.it
- Filippo Parolini, MD, Pediatric Surgery Department – filippo.parolini(at)unibs.it
- Francesco Maria Risso, MD, Neonatal Intensive Care Department – francesco.risso(at)asst-spedalicivili.it
Centre information
The Pediatric Surgery Department in the ASST Spedali Civili Hospital in Brescia is one the largest pediatric hepatobiliary units in Italy and has specialised in the investigation of jaundiced infants and the treatment of biliary atresia (BA) since 1974. A dedicated multidisciplinary team operates in accordance with a patient-centred approach and takes charge of the patients holistically, through providing them with accurate pre-operative assessment, medical and surgical treatment, post-operative care and follow-up. In light of the incidence of BA in Western countries (1 in 15,000-20,000 live births) and the birth rate in Italy (approximately 450,000 birth per year), we ensure the management of about 25-30% of all expected cases of BA in our Country. This qualifies our Department as a key referral centre for the treatment of these patients at national level; as a matter of fact, more than 75% of our patients are referred from other Italian Regions. In our centre, consistency in diagnostic assessment, in surgical approach and follow-up protocol throughout a 45-year period, has enabled the examination of what is currently the largest cohort of BA patients in Italy. The Pediatric Surgery Department is involved in single-center and collaborative national and international studies of translational research and clinical trials about rare liver diseases, resulting in publications on distinguished peer-reviewed medical journals. The main areas of expertise in rare liver disorders include biliary atresia, congenital choledochal maformations, non-cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis/extrahepatic portal vein obstruction and congenital porto-systemic shunt (CPSS).