Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid
Contact Information for physicians and patients
Loreto Hierro
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
- Paediatric Cholestasis
- Autoimmne Hepatitis
- Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Metabolic diseases
- Congenital porto-systemic shunts
- Viral hepatitis
- Extrahepatic portal hypertension
- Biliary Atresia
- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency (A1ATD)
- Wilson Disease
- Cystic Liver Disease
Liver transplantation
ERN Representatives
Esteban Frauca
Loreto Hierro
Head of Paediatric Hepatology Service
Children Hospital of University Hospital La Paz Madrid
ERN Team and Contact
Paediatric Hepatology
Loreto Hierro
Paediatric Surgery
Manuel Lopez Santamaría
Centre information
Paediatric Hepatology and Liver Transplantation is a Service of the Children Hospital of University Hospital La Paz Madrid, Spain. All types of solid organ transplantation (liver, kidney, heart, multivisceral, lung) and stem cell transplantation are performed at the Paediatric Hospital. Specialized care of children with liver diseases started in 1975, in a independent Service of Paediatric Hepatology (Dr Paloma Jara, Head of Service up to 2013, current : Dr Loreto Hierro) .The number of outpatient visits are 6000 per year, there are up to 18 rooms for admission of children with liver disease in a dedicated ward. The surgical aspects of diagnosis and therapy, including liver transplantation, are performed by the Paediatric Surgery Department (Dr Manuel Lopez Santamaría, Head of Department). The number of procedures of paediatric liver transplantation performed to date (since 1986) is 780 . Since 2000 the Institute of Research of the University Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ) provides research on Paediatric Cholestasis in collaboration with clinicians.