Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos



Contact Information for physicians and patients

Head of the Rare Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Center of LUHS Kauno Klinikos
Assoc. prof. dr. Vitalija Petrenkienė
Phone: +37037326188
E-mail: vitalija.petrenkiene(at)

Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre

  • Primary Billiary Cholangitis (PBC)
  • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis(PSC)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
  • IgG4 cholangitis
  • Wilsons Disease
  • Rare liver tumors: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma (iCC)
  • Liver disease in pregnancy

ERN Representatives

  • limas_kupcinskas_photo.png

    Prof. habil. dr. Limas Kupčinskas

    ERN Representative

    Gastroenterologist, Full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

  • vitalija_petrenkiene.jpg

    Assoc. prof. dr. Vitalija Petrenkiene

    ERN Substitute Representative

    Gastroenterologist, Head of Rare Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Center of LUHS Kauno Klinikos

ERN Team and Contact

Daiva Borkiene, Coordinator of LUHS Kauno klinikos Center for rare and undiagnosed diseases
E-mail: daiva.borkiene(at)
Phone: +37067742046
E-mail: retos.ligos(at)

Centre information

The Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) Kauno klinikos (Kauno klinikos) is the largest university multi-profile healthcare institution in Lithuania. The Rare Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases Center (Center) is a functional medical unit at the Gastroenteroloy Department of Kauno klinikos. The Gastroenterology department is one of the top medical centers in Baltic States and has a team of 133 staff members, 27 of them high quality specialists-gastroenterologists, including 6 professors (2 of them are members of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences), 6 assoc. professors, who are experienced in wide spectrum of pathologies, including liver pre- and post-transplant care and rare liver diseases. The Center closely collaborate with scientists of Institute for Digestive Research of LUHS. We believe that patient care, research and education must all play equally strong roles in our effort to extend and enhance people’s lives. For all patients with rare liver diseases we offer innovative and effective diagnosis and treatments. Center with state-of-the-art equipment enable our patients to offer excellent care in a safe, attractive and sustainable environment at the highest international standards. Kauno Klinikos is a member of 13 European Reference Networks for rare diseases, including ERN R-LIVER. As a major teaching hospital, we educate and train tomorrow’s medical specialists and health care professionals. Our reputation as a medical Center is based on excellent patient care, research and teaching.