Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw

Contact Information for physicians and patients
Main e-mail contact: iod(at)
Departament of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutritional Disorders and Pediatrics: oddzial.gastrologia(at)
Out patient liver clinic: Transplantacja.Watroba(at)IPCZD.PL
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
The Children’s Memorial Health Insitute is a refferal pediatric hospital for Poland which is involved in management of all kind of rare diseases including liver diseases. CMHI is the only pediatric liver transplant center in Poland with the number of 40 liver transplants per year (about half from living related donors).
CMHI offers all kind of services to patients with acute liver failure and severe chronic liver disease (e.g. biliary atresia, Alagille syndrome, PFIC, AIH, PSC, cystic fibrosis, NASH, liver fibrosis with kidney disorders, PN dependent liver failure), including intensive care, fibroscan, CT, MRCP, liver biopsy and endoscopy management of portal hypertension and biliary strictures.
Departament of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutritional Disorders and Pediatrics was able to collect big numbers of patients with rare liver diseases from Poland – at present :
ca 50 patients with PFIC, 40- with Alagille syndrome, 200- with Wilson disease, 120 with Alpha-1ATD etc. over years.
Additional diseases in the ERN spectrum that the centre covers:
- Cystic Liver Disease
- Vascular Liver Disease: Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
ERN Representatives
Dr. Diana Kamińska
prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Socha
ERN Team and Contact
- Prof. Joanna Pawłowska, J.Pawlowska(at)IPCZD.PL
- Prof. Irena Jankowska, i.jankowska(at)
- Dr. Diana Kamińska, d.kaminska(at)
- Dr. Dominika Kaps-Kopiec, d.kaps-kopiec(at)
- Dr. Kamil Janowski, k.janowski(at)
- Małgorzata Woźniak, m.Wozniak(at)
Centre information
The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI) is a referral hospital for Poland where most of the liver diseases are treated centrally. Liver transplant program is monitored by the Ministry and the National Transplant Board in regard of efficacy, complicatios and access to donors. Almost all patients with biliary atresia are treated in our institution. We treat most of the patients with cholestatic liver disease, Wilson’s disease and many patients with autoimmune hapatitis. National Health care system monitors expences in relationship to the procedures performedand diseases treated every year to decide about budgetting of our services. Our Hospital is audited for standard operating procedures every year – where nursey, medical procedures etc. are checked ad different levels within the National Center for Quality Control in Medicine.
Several research projects were related to rare liver diseases like EUROWILSON-EU funded project. Our experts ( Piotr Socha, Joanna Pawlowska, Irena Jankowska, Diana Kamińska, Małgorzata Woźniak, Piotr Czubkowski, Dorota Gliwicz, Agnieszka Bakula, Wojciech Janczyk) contributed to numerous original and review papers related to PFIC, Alagille syndrome, AIH, biliary artresia, Wilson’s disease etc., including international guidelines/position statements (P. Socha is the first author of ESPGHAN position statement on Wilson disease). We offer consultations to all pediatric hospitals in Poland including university hospitals. Patients with rare liver diseases are managed in the Department Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutritional Disorders and Pediatrics and also consulted by experts from other clinics – Departament of Pediatrics and Metabolic Diseases, Departament of Surgery and Transplantation, Department of Genetics etc. Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutritional Disorders and Pediatrics consists of In-patient Clinic (45 beds), Out – patients Clinic for Gastrointestinal Diseases and a separate Out-patient Clinic for Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation.