Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom

Contact Information for physicians and patients
Birmingham Women’s Hospital
Mindelsohn Way
Birmingham B15 2TG
+44121 472 1377
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Lane
Birmingham B4 6NH
+44121 333 9999
Particular rare liver disease expertise of the centre
BCH has expertise in the following areas:
- Autoimmune liver disease
- Metabolic liver disease: tyrosinaemia type 1, hepatic storage disorders,Wilsons Disease,
- Biliary atresia and related diseases including PFIC, Alagille Syndrome
- Cholestatic liver disease, Alpha one antitrypsin deficiency, cystic fibrosis liver disease,
- Neonatal Haemochromatosis
- Structural liver disease ( Fibropolycystic diseases)
- Chronic viral hepatitis B and C
- Cholecdochal cysts
- Hepatic Tumours and Liver Trauma
ERN Representatives
Deirdre Kelly
Professor of Paediatric Hepatology
Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Khalid Sharif
ERN Team and Contact
Centre information
Birmingham Children’s Hospital is part of Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. The Liver Unit is one of three national UK centres providing care to children with all types of liver disease, liver transplantation and small bowel transplantation in the United Kingdom, the EU and worldwide. We are the only Unit to perform combined kidney/Liver transplants in infantts The Unit works closely with hepatobiliary and transplant surgery, gastroenterology, oncology, haematology, nutrition, pathology and radiology. We provide family-centered specialist care through a specialised multi disciplinary team for children and families with all forms of medical and surgical liver disease, including metabolic liver disease, acute liver failure and pre- and post- liver transplant management.
The Unit is active in both laboratory and clinical research, focussing on rare genetic chiolestatic disease, immune mechanisms in Auto-immune Liver Disease and long term graft function and Quality of Life post transplanation.