After launching our new ACADEMY in 2023 our next ERN RARE-LIVER ACADEMY took place on the 14 + 15 March 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The theme of the academy was ‘Growing up with liver disease’ and it focussed on liver diseases typically diagnosed in childhood and the challenges around adolescence including transition from paediatric to adult services. We were looking for paediatric and adult hepatologists who were interested in joining an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals including patient experts for an interactive and stimulating workshop in Copenhagen.
The organisers of this next Academy were Marianne Hørby-Jørgensen, paediatric hepatologist from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Marianne Samyn, paediatric hepatologist from King’s College Hospital in London, UK.
ERN RARE-LIVER offered up to 20 places to young fellows in the field of paediatric and adult hepatology in rare liver diseases. The program and accommodation were covered by the ERN and travel costs were reimbursed under the EU unit cost decision.
Reasons to attend: Young people with childhood liver disease are now surviving into adulthood and are an emerging population for adult hepatologists and allied health professionals. Adolescence is known to continue into the mid-20s and is associated with challenges including risk-taking behaviors, mental health problems and non-adherence to treatment known to be associated with inferior outcomes.
The course addressed the following topics using an inverted classroom model:
- Long-term outcome of typical childhood liver diseases and paediatric liver transplantation
- The psychosocial challenges associated with adolescence include mental health, adherence to treatment and substance use
- Models of provision of multidisciplinary care for young people with liver disease
- Interactive discussion with expert patients
The ERN ACADEMY is a unique opportunity to highlight the need for dedicated adolescent care to improve the patient outcomes.
In addition, it provides a unique platform for paediatric and adult specialists including allied health care professionals to come together and collaborate. Finally, involving expert patients gives the opportunity for delegates to hear directly from and interact with patients.
We are looking forward to our next ERN-RARE-LIVER ACADEMY in 2025.
Here is a small picture gallery:
A brief summary from the organisers of this Academy: Marianne Hørby-Jørgensen, paediatric hepatologist from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Marianne Samyn, paediatric hepatologist from King’s College Hospital in London, UK.